the Mattachine Society are invited; a summer pionio outing; Hallowe'en Party; and New Year's Eve party. During the interim there is bowling scheduled and other event s of interest to the group. During the recent Mattachine Society Convention the Daughters entertained delegates and visitors at a cocktail party.

The DOB library, while still rather limited, is now processed and available at the office, room 308, 693 Mission St. The books and periodicals range from strictly homophile subjects to the better-known established classical ·works. Many subscribers to THE LADDER have generously donated volumes from their own collections or sent funds with which to purchase needed titles. Any such holp in this educational and recreational venture is gratefully received.

At the beginning of this third year, the Daughters of Bilitis is launching its first research project. Case histories of Lesbians are now in process on a voluntary basis, the purpose being to provide data on a subject long ignored. Those in the San Francisco Bay Area who would be interested in volunteering as subjects are asked to contact the DOB office, 693 Mission St., Room 308, San Francisco phone EXbrook 7-0773. For those in outlying areas a questionnaire is being prepared.

It should also be noted here that, while the Daughters of Bilitis is a separate and distinct organization with its own policies and goals, the "growing pains" would have been a great deal more excruciating had it not been for the full cooperation and support of the Mattachine Society and ONE, Ino. Both of these organizations have favored us with encouragement, advice, and publicity, without which the DOB would not have been able to proceed as rapidly as it has.

From a newsletter, THE LADDER has graduated into the classification of a magazine, and as of June 1 the rates were raised from $1 to $2.50 a year. THE LADDER is offering reportorial coverage of the activities of the various homophile organizations, articles relating to or

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